Chapter Four: Mathematical Complexity of Items
Each NAEP item assesses an objective that can be associated with a single content area of mathematics, such as number or geometry. The item also makes certain demands on students thinking. These demands constitute the mathematical complexity of the item, which is the second dimension of the mathematics framework. The demands on thinking that an item makes (what it asks the student to recall, understand, reason about, and do) are determined on the assumption that the student is familiar with the mathematics of the task. If a student has not studied the mathematics, the task is likely to make different and heavier demands, and the student may well not be successful. Items are chosen for administration at a given grade level in part on the basis of their appropriateness for typical curricula, but the complexity of those items is always independent of the particular curriculum a student has experienced. The categories (low complexity, moderate complexity, and high complexity) form an ordered description of the demands an item may make on a student. Items at the low level of complexity, for example, may ask a student to recall a property. At the moderate level, an item may ask the student to make a connection between two properties; at the high level, an item may ask a student to analyze the assumptions made in a mathematical model. This is an example of the distinctions made in item complexity to provide balance in the item pool. The ordering is not intended to imply that mathematics is learned or should be taught in such an ordered way. The complexity dimension is both similar to and different from the levels of mathematical ability (conceptual understanding, procedural knowledge, and problemsolving) that were used in the NAEP Mathematics Framework for the 1996 and 2000 assessments. The dimensions are similar in that both attempt to address the kind of thinking that the student is doing when working on an item. They are also similar in that although neither dimension is used to define specific percentages of items in each content area, both are used to help define item descriptors and to achieve a balance across the tasks administered at each grade level. Level of complexity is different from level of mathematical ability, however, in that complexity describes the mathematical expectations of an item, whereas mathematical ability (along with the associated construct of mathematical power) requires an inference about the skill, knowledge, and background of the students taking the item. The mathematical complexity of an item is not directly related to its format (multiple choice, short constructed response, or extended constructed response). Items requiring that the student generate a response tend to make somewhat heavier demands on students than items requiring a choice among alternatives, but that is not always the case. Any type of item can deal with mathematics of greater or lesser depth and sophistication. There are multiple-choice items that assess complex mathematics, and constructed-response items can be crafted to assess routine mathematical ideas. Moreover, the mathematical complexity of an item is constant; it does not vary depending on the score given for a certain kind or level of response. Low Complexity This category relies heavily on the recall and recognition of previously learned concepts and principles. Items typically specify what the student is to do, which is often to carry out some procedure that can be performed mechanically. It is not left to the student to come up with an original method or solution. The following are some, but not all, of the demands that items in the low-complexity category might make:
Examples See appendix B for solutions and scoring guides
Moderate Complexity Items in the moderate-complexity category involve more flexibility of thinking and choice among alternatives than do those in the low-complexity category. They require a response that goes beyond the habitual, is not specified, and ordinarily has more than a single step. The student is expected to decide what to do, using informal methods of reasoning and problemsolving strategies, and to bring together skill and knowledge from various domains. The following illustrate some of the demands that items of moderate complexity might make:
Examples See appendix B for solutions and scoring guides The following shapes were provided to students. (Shapes were larger than shown.)
(Grade 8 version) Bob, Carmen, and Tyler were comparing the areas of N and P. Bob said that N and P have the same area. Carmen said that the area of N is larger. Tyler said that the area of P is larger. Who was correct? _______________________________ Use words or pictures (or both) to explain why. Source: 1996 NAEP (grades 4 and 8) Percent correct: 27
High Complexity High-complexity items make heavy demands on students, who must engage in more abstract reasoning, planning, analysis, judgment, and creative thought. A satisfactory response to the item requires that the student think in abstract and sophisticated ways. Items at the level of high complexity may ask the student to do any of the following:
Examples See appendix B for solutions and scoring guides
Balance of Mathematical Complexity The ideal balance sought for the 2005 NAEP is not necessarily the balance one would wish for curriculum or instruction in mathematics education. Balance here must be considered in the context of the constraints of an assessment such as NAEP. These constraints include the timed nature of the test and its paper-and-pencil format. Items of high complexity, for example, often take more time to complete. At the same time, some items of all three types are essential to assess the full range of students mathematical achievement. Within that context, the ideal balance would be that half of the score on the assessment is based on items of moderate complexity, with the remainder of the score based equally on items of low and high complexity. This balance would apply for all three grade levels.