NAEP and ACT Content Comparison: Reading and Mathematics
NAEP in Relation to the ACT College Readiness Standards and Benchmarks in Reading and Mathematics
ACT, INC., 2009, GRADE 12
Report on two studies that compared the Grade 12 NAEP Frameworks in Reading and Mathematics with the domain definitions and test specifications for the ACT Reading and Mathematics Tests and with ACT’s College Readiness Standards®.
This report describes two studies that compared the frameworks for the Grade 12 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in Reading and Mathematics with the domain definitions and test specifications for the ACT Reading and Mathematics Tests and with ACT’s College Readiness Standards®. The Alignment Study was a detailed comparison of the NAEP frameworks with the ACT content and cognitive domains, the test specifications, and the ACT College Readiness Standards in Reading and Mathematics. The Item Classification Study attempted to categorize each item in the 2009 NAEP assessments in Reading and Mathematics according to the ACT College Readiness Standards® score ranges.