Identification of Exemplar Occupations - Report
Identification of Potential Exemplar Jobs/Job Training Programs for NAEP Reporting: Phase I
ACT,INC., 2010, GRADE 12
Study analyzing several features of the universe of occupations to identify a subset as potential exemplar occupations for the focus of Governing Board research on academic preparedness for job training.
Using Bureau of Labor Statistics labor projections and job classifications (O*NET) from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), ACT, Inc. analyzed the reading and mathematics content coverage in DOL knowledge and skill statements and also in job profiles from ACT’s WorkKeys assessment program. ACT also conducted several other analyses, including reviewing which civilian occupations had military counterparts in terms of job titles and tasks, and identifying at least one training program in the field. This analysis helped the Governing Board identify five exemplar occupations that met the initial criteria provided to ACT, namely that they:
- Be familiar to the public and are projected as high demand
- Cover a Range of Industry Sectors and training pathways
- Require 3 months to 3 years of training
- Represent a range of reading and mathematics preparedness
- Have Civilian and military counterparts
This report includes several appendices with supporting materials:
A: Matching Civilian Occupations to Military Occupations Based on Tasks
B: O*NET KSAs with Importance Ratings of 50 or Above
Judgmental Standard Setting: JOB TRAINING | MILITARY | O*NET