Policies and Resolutions
The National Assessment Governing Board is charged with setting policies that affect the general direction and the specific development of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Major Governing Board policies are listed below. These policies govern which subjects are tested and the content and methodology of current and future assessments.
Resolution to Request Postponement from 2026 to 2027 of NAEP Reading and Mathematics
Resolution to Continue with Preparations for 2021 NAEP Reading and Mathematics
Trial Urban District Assessment: Eligibility Criteria and Selection Procedures
Informing Parents About Participation in NAEP
Policies and Procedures for Complaints Related to the National Assessment of Educational Progress
Prohibition on Using NAEP to Influence State and Local Standards, Tests, and Curricula
Resolution to Encourage Prioritization of NAEP Linking Studies
Resolution to Request Postponement from 2026 to 2027 of NAEP Reading and Mathematics
Resolution on Board Priorities for the NAEP Assessment Schedule
Resolution on the Imperative for Increased NAEP Funding
Resolution on Maintaining NAEP Trends with the Transition to Digital-Based Assessments
Reporting 12th Grade Academic Preparedness for College
Resolution on Linking NAEP and International Assessments
Resolution on Reporting on Preparedness of 12th Grade Students