State and TUDA Task Forces
A key responsibility of the National Assessment Governing Board is making the results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) useful and relevant to the public, especially leaders who oversee education at the state and district level. That effort has involved the creation of two task forces whose members provide us with valuable insight.
State Policy Task Force
To expand involvement and input from state education leaders, the Governing Board partnered with the Council of Chief State School Officers to create the State Policy Task Force. The task force members provide feedback and recommendations to the Governing Board on policy areas and projects related to NAEP. The Task Force comprises leaders in diverse roles with diverse perspectives and expertise across state education agencies, such as state chiefs, deputy state superintendents, communications officers, and assessment directors. Members are chosen based on expertise and interest in assessment and geographic representation of the nation.
TUDA Task Force
Funded by Congress in 2002, the Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) program collects and reports data for select large urban districts in every biennial NAEP reading and math administration since 2003. In 2003, six districts volunteered to participate. That number grew to 27 districts in 2017. This invaluable program within NAEP focuses attention on challenges and accomplishments associated with urban education, exemplifying how NAEP results can inform efforts to improve student achievement.
The TUDA Task Force is a collaboration between the Governing Board and the Council of the Great City Schools, a coalition of the nation's largest urban school districts. The Council was instrumental in founding the TUDA program and sustaining its value and strength. The district leaders on the task force share how they use and disseminate TUDA data to understand and promote effective policies and practices.
See a listing of our task force members below:

Dan Farley
Assessment Director, Oregon Department of Education

Tammy Howard
Senior Director of the Office of Accountability and Testing, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

David Jespersen
Public Information Officer, Nebraska Department of Education

Abe Krisst
Assessment Bureau Chief, Connecticut Department of Education

Darin Nielsen
Assistant Superintendent of Student Learning, Utah State Board of Education

Kimako Patterson
Chief of Staff, Illinois State Board of Education

Victoria Robinson
Assistant Commissioner of Communications and Engagement, Tennessee Department of Education

Dicky Shanor
Chief of Staff, Wyoming Department of Education.

Michael Sibley
Director of Communications, Alabama State Department of Education

Viji Somasundaram
Director of Office of Educational Accountability, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Zachary Warner
Assistant Commissioner, Office of State Assessment; New York State Education Department

Thomas Woods-Tucker
Deputy Commissioner of Education and Chief Equity Officer, Kentucky Department of Education

Apryl Clarkson
Senior Executive Director, Office of Data and Accountability; Boston Public Schools

Corinne Colgan
Chief of Teaching and Learning, District of Columbia Public Schools

Angie Gaylord
Chief Academic Officer, Dallas Independent School District

Candice Grose
Deputy Chief of Communications, Cleveland Metropolitan School District

Theresa D. Jones
Chief Achievement and Accountability Officer, Baltimore City Public Schools

Jusmar Maness
Chief Academic Officer, Guilford County Schools

Greg Manzi
Assistant Superintendent of Assessment, Accountability, Research, and School Improvement, Clark County School District

Chrystal Wilson
Assistant Superintendent of Communications, Detroit Public Schools Community District

Tonya Wolford
Chief, Evaluation, Research and Accountability, The School District of Philadelphia

Simone Wright
Chief of Academics, Denver Public Schools