Theresa D. Jones

Theresa D. Jones (B.S. American University, M.B.A. Duke University and M. Ed Broad Center for the Management of School Systems) has been Chief Achievement and Accountability Officer for Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools) since 2015. She leads the district’s efforts to provide teachers, principals and district leaders with the tools and expertise they need for strategic planning and decision making, while supporting them in the implementation of research and evidence-based student achievement practices.
Her office is also responsible for the administration of federal, state and locally mandated student assessments and the monitoring and compliance activities associated with grant allocations to support strategic allocation and utilization of local, state and federal resources. Ms. Jones led brand and marketing organizations and teams for over 12 years before transitioning into a career in education. Her experiences in education include leading employee evaluation redesign for Prince George’s County Public Schools, employee and school effectiveness and accountability for City Schools, as well as teaching in the Center for Leadership Education at Johns Hopkins University. She’s a contemporary jazz fan and enjoys spending time with her family -- dancing, playing games and traveling.