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Nominations FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Serving on the National Assessment Governing Board

The nonpartisan National Assessment Governing Board sets policy for the nation’s largest ongoing assessment of what U.S. students know and can do – the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as The Nation’s Report Card. The Governing Board identifies subjects to be tested, determines the content and achievement levels for each assessment, approves test questions, hosts the release of NAEP results, and pursues innovative ways to make those results more meaningful and relevant to the public and empower policymakers and educators to use that data as a tool for student improvement. More specifics about the Board’s roles and responsibilities can be found in the NAEP law and in this executive summary

In August 2024, the Board approved Strategic Vision 2030 to guide its work in collaborating with the National Center for Education Statistics to fulfill its legislative mandate.  Key efforts will include leveraging innovative processes and technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), to strengthen the NAEP program, and ensuring that NAEP provides valid, reliable national, state, and district level data to illuminate academic progress and help stakeholders use the data to advance policy and practice. The Board will continue partnering with key stakeholders to best use NAEP data to support education leaders committed to helping our students and teachers recover from the pandemic’s massive disruptions.

Broadly representative by law, the non-partisan Governing Board includes 26 members. Of those, 25 are appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Education in the following categories:

  • two governors, or former governors, who are not members of the same political party;
  • two state legislators, who are not members of the same political party;
  • two chief state school officers;
  • one superintendent of a local educational agency;
  • one member of a state board of education;
  • one member of a local board of education;
  • three classroom teachers representing the grade levels at which the NAEP is conducted (4, 8 and 12)
  • one representative of business or industry;
  • two curriculum specialists;
  • three testing and measurement experts;
  • one non-public school administrator or policymaker;
  • two school principals, one from the elementary level, the other from the secondary level;
  • two parents who are not employed by a local, state, or federal educational agency;
  • two additional members who are representatives of the general public, but who are not employed by a local, state, or federal educational agency.

The director of the Institute of Education Sciences serves as an ex officio, nonvoting member.

The Board is seeking candidates for the following 5 positions for service that begins Oct. 1, 2025:

  • Elementary School Principal
  • General Public Representative
  • Governor - Democrat
  • Governor - Republican
  • Testing and Measurement Expert

General public representative nominees should have community- or policy-based expertise in K-12 education. Nominees cannot be employed by a local, state, or federal education agency. To honor legislative intent around Board membership representing all the designated categories fully, applicants should not apply for membership in this category if they meet the criteria for any other category (i.e., Local School Board Member, Testing & Measurement Expert, Chief State School Officer, etc.)

Yes. Most of the nominations the Governing Board receives are self-nominations.

Nominees must submit a personal statement outlining their interest and qualifications in the category for which they are applying; curriculum vitae or resume; and at least one letter of support, but not more than three. Personal statements should be limited to one page and curricula vitae or resumes should be no more than six pages. For additional details see our Submission Requirements. We will accept nominations Sept. 3, 2024, through 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Nov. 1, 2024, for appointments that begin Oct. 1, 2025.

Yes, submissions can be edited up until the final submission deadline of 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on Nov. 1, 2024. Upon initial submission, nominees will receive a confirmation email that includes a PIN. To upload new or additional materials, the PIN is used to log back into the submission system.  

The Board’s Nominations Committee solicits nominations, reviews all submissions, and makes recommendations to the U.S. Secretary of Education, who appoints members to serve on the Board.

Board members are seated for terms that last up to four years and may serve up to two terms, so a potential maximum of eight years. New or renewed terms begin on the first of October.

The bulk of Board member time is spent preparing for and participating in quarterly Board meetings. Generally, the meetings take place all day Thursday and most of the day Friday, necessitating travel on Wednesday. Board members also serve on a standing committee.  Committee meetings are typically part of the quarterly meetings, but committees may hold additional conference calls or virtual meetings to conduct Board business. The time commitment for these committee activities typically ranges from one to four hours per month. Board members also may serve on the Nominations Committee or any ad hoc committees, which requires additional time for preparation and participation. 

Board members serve on either the Committee on Standards, Design, and Methodology; the Assessment Development Committee; or the Reporting and Dissemination Committee. In addition, members may also serve on the Nominations Committee or on any ad hoc committees that are occasionally established to focus on specific initiatives; the Board currently has such a committee dedicated to artificial intelligence. All committee chairs and vice chairs sit on the Executive Committee.

Depending on the rules in each Board member’s state, district, or organization, they may be eligible for an honorarium of $100 per day.  

Two or three meetings per year are held in the Washington, D.C. area. One or both of the other meetings annually are held in cities across the U.S., in the home city or state of a current Board member. 

No, all travel and expenses are arranged and paid for by the Governing Board.

Still have questions about serving on the Board or need help submitting your application?  Email