Appendix A: Glossary Of Acronyms, Words, And Terms Used In The Framework


Appendix A: Glossary of Acronyms, Words, and Terms Used in the Framework

The glossary is divided into five sections. The first section presents acronyms used in the framework, followed by sections on basic framework terminology, assessment terms, and terms related to education content and pedagogy. The final section presents terms specific to the three major assessment areas of Technology and Engineering Literacy: Technology and Society, Design and Systems, and Information and Communication Technology. Relevant terms and definitions from each area are included, and they are defined within the context of the framework.

Acronyms for Associations, Educational Organizations, or Reports

AAASAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science
CCSSOCouncil of Chief State School Officers
IBAInternational Baccalaureate Association
ISTEInternational Society for Technology in Education
ITEEAInternational Technology and Engineering Educators Association
NAENational Academy of Engineering
NAEPNational Assessment of Educational Progress
NCESNational Center for Education Statistics
NETS•SNational Educational Technology Standards for Students
NRCNational Research Council
NSTANational Science Teachers Association
OECDOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PISAProgramme for International Student Assessment
SETDAState Educational Technology Directors Association
STEMScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
TIMSSThird International Mathematics and Science Study

Basic Framework Terminology

TechnologyAny modification of the natural or designed world done to fulfill human needs or desires.
EngineeringA systematic and often iterative approach to designing objects, processes, and systems to meet human needs and wants.
Technology and engineering literacyCapacity to use, understand, and evaluate technology as well as to understand technological principles and strategies needed to develop solutions and achieve goals. It encompasses the three areas of Technology and Society, Design and Systems, and Information and Communication Technology.
Educational technologyVarious types of equipment, tools, and processes used as aids in teaching and learning.
Technology educatorsAll those whose teaching responsibilities include imparting the knowledge, capabilities, and skills described in this framework.
Technology educationThe knowledge and skills taught to students in the three areas of Technology and Society, Design and Systems, and Information and Communication Technology.
FrameworkA NAEP framework is a document that defines the parameters of a NAEP assessment. It guides the test makers in developing an assessment.
Technological processesProcedures using technological knowledge, tools, and skills to develop solutions and achieve goals.
Technological principlesSets of foundational and fundamental assumptions that underlie each of the three areas of technology and engineering literacy defined in this framework.
Technological practicesTypes of thinking and reasoning that students are expected to demonstrate when responding to an assessment item. The framework specifies three practices: understanding technological principles; developing solutions and achieving goals; and communicating and collaboration.

Assessment Terms

Advanced achievement levelThe highest of NAEP's three levels of performance. This level signifies superior performance.
Assessment areas or targetsThe three assessment foci of this framework on technological literary: Technology and Society, Design and Systems, and Information and Communication Technology.
Assessment balanceAppropriate distribution of items according to major assessment area, technological practice, assessment set type, and response type.
Assessment specificationsAssessment requirements that framework developers give to test developers. These include, for example, the foci of the assessment, the number and types of items, the specific areas to be assessed, the accommodations for students with disabilities, etc.
Background variablesDemographic and contextual data related to the NAEP assessment gathered through questionnaires usually completed by school administrators, teachers, and students.
Basic achievement levelThe lowest of NAEP's three levels of performance. This level denotes partial mastery of prerequisite knowledge and skills that are fundamental for proficient work at each grade.
Constructed responseItems in which the student "constructs" the response rather than choosing a response from a limited number of alternatives. Constructed responses may be short (students supply a word or short sentence) or extended (students complete a task).
Cut scoresThe minimum score required for performance at each NAEP achievement level.
Discrete item setA group of questions that include conventional selected response items and short constructed response items.
ItemA single question or set of instructions.
Item specificationsAssessment requirements that framework developers give to test developers, for example, the number and types of items to be included.
Probe (noun)A smaller-scale, focused assessment on a timely topic that explores a particular question or issue and may be limited to particular grades.
Proficient achievement levelThe middle of NAEP's three levels of performance. This level represents solid academic performance for each grade assessed. Students reaching this level have demonstrated competency over challenging subject matter, including subject matter knowledge, application of such knowledge to practical situations, and analytical skills appropriate to the subject matter.
Response typeThe activity an item asks a student to perform when responding. In this assessment there are three item response types: short constructed response, long constructed response, and selected response.
Scale scoresScores that allow for comparison of students' performance on different administrations of a test. For example, students' scores might be converted to a score on a scale that ranges from 0 to 500 points.
Scenario-based assessmentIn the context of this framework, scenarios are interactive computer tasks that constitute the bulk of the items. Scenarios may be short or long, depending on what they require the student to do.
Selected responseA type of item in which students read a question and choose the best answer from a set of options.
Universal design for assessmentGuidelines for ensuring that the largest number of disabled assessment students and English language learners participate in an assessment.

Education Content and Pedagogy

Academic problem An assigned task that a teacher may give to a student.
CollaborationTo work together with other individuals. However, for this NAEP assessment, it will mean using contemporary technologies to work with virtual (computer-generated) individuals to solve problems or achieve goals.
Diffuse curriculumCurriculum without a clear scope, sequence, and series of courses.
DisaggregationSeparation into component parts, such as the breaking down of achievement data by racial and ethnic subgroup.
EquityFair access to opportunities to learn that are based on need rather than on some arbitrary factor.
FluencyA smooth and easy flow of knowledge and skills.
Habits of mindCustomary ways of thinking and acting.
LiteracyThe capacity to use, understand, and evaluate a body of knowledge and skills as well as to apply concepts and processes to solve problems and reach one's goals.
Sequential curriculumCurriculum that has a scope, sequence, and a series of courses.

Area-Specific Terms

Technology and Society

ArtifactsProducts and items that a society's population develops, uses, and updates to meet needs and wants.
Human-madeTerm describing an artifact that has been designed and developed by means that are outside the boundaries and capabilities of the natural world.
Modeling and simulationUtilizing technology to analyze and test the possible effects, impacts, and trade-offs that are associated with a new technological innovation to evaluate efficiency, discover potential problems, and develop workable solutions.
Natural worldPlants, animals, water, and other organisms and elements that exist without contributions from humans.
Practical problemA situation that a person may encounter in everyday life that requires a solution.
Product life cycleThe span of time that an artifact is commissioned to satisfy a societal need that can start from the point of design, manipulation of raw materials, and manufacturing processes, to eventual obsolescence and disposal.
Regulating technologiesTechnological innovations that are responsible for contributing to the protection of natural resources in areas such as transportation, energy, and waste disposal.
Technological inequalitiesInstances where countries and societies use antiquated technologies due to economic circumstances or cultural preferences.
Trade-offA decision where complete awareness of both the advantages and disadvantages of the result are explored and the impacts of both are taken into consideration.

Design and Systems

ConstraintA boundary, limit, or restriction, such as time, money, or resources, in the requirements for a project.
CriteriaCharacteristics (or specifications) of a successful solution, such as a desired function or a particular level of efficiency.
Engineering design method (Sometimes called technological design)An iterative, systematic process for solving problems that involves creativity, experience, and accumulated disciplinary knowledge.
Life cycleImportant phases in the development of a system from initial concept through design, testing, use, and maintenance to retirement.
OptimizationFinding the best possible solution when some criterion or constraint is identified as the most important and others are given less weight.
Problem solvingThe cognitive process of finding answers to questions and solutions to undesired situations.
PrototypeFirst version, or generation, of an entity created from a particular design plan using the engineering design method.
RequirementsCombination of criteria and constraints for a given project.
Reverse engineeringDisassembling an item in a systemic way to understand how it works, usually so it can be repaired, copied, or improved.
Systems thinkingWay of investigating or thinking about a system using a set of principles.
TroubleshootingSystematic method of dealing with failures.

Information and Communication Technology

Digital assistantsAlso called Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), devices used as organizers to enter and store data such as addresses, expenses, or calendar items. Some are capable of being used as handheld computers and may also have Internet capabilities.
Digital modelsAn electronic representation of a system.
Digital toolsAny technology that stores and transmits data electronically.
Fair useA condition under U.S. copyright law that permits limited use of copyrighted material without procuring permission from the copyright holder.
Geographical InformationAny system that gathers, saves, evaluates, and presents data System related to geographic locations. A common example is a Global Positioning System (GPS), used to obtain driving directions.
Information and Communication TechnologiesTechnologies used to access, gather, store, analyze, and report information.
Information (or digital) literacySkills needed to access, evaluate, and use information from a variety of sources.
Interactive whiteboardsAn interactive display system that connects to a projector and a computer. Using special software, it is possible to project the computer's desktop and then control the computer using a stylus, personal response system, or even a finger.
Media literacyThe capacity to access and evaluate messages created using a variety of media, such as advertisements, commercials, or speeches, etc. It also refers to the skills required to develop and communicate a message using media.
Media playerSoftware used on a computer to manage and play video or audio files or to view digital images. It can also be handheld hardware that provides the same functions and is also used to store files.
Mobile wireless devicesSmall, lightweight hardware, often called handheld technology, that has the capability to connect wirelessly to the Internet. Examples include handheld computers, smart phones, and netbooks.
WikiA website that allows users to work collaboratively to view, edit, and add information. One of the best-known examples of this type of site is Wikipedia, a collaboratively written encyclopedia.