20th Anniversary

To commemorate 20 years of setting policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the National Assessment Governing Board will not only examine the impact NAEP has had for these decades but also look ahead to the key role the country's premier educational assessment will play in measuring student achievement.
The Board convened a conference for an audience of more than 200 people, featuring national education experts and policymakers. Panel presentations addressed achievement gaps, NAEP and the states, and measuring preparedness for work and college. The Board also commissioned numerous papers that examined the history of the Board and NAEP, connecting to some of today's most prominent education issues and concerns.
Conference Program
Conference Papers
Historical Papers
House Resolution 222
Conference Proceedings
Conference Program
Our 20th anniversary conference had an attendance of nearly 200 people and featured five panels on various topics and remarks from Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Sen. Lamar Alexander. Read the program to see the line-up of guests and panels.
Below, there are several links to panel presentations, remarks, and documents related to the conference.
Recorded Keynote Address from U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander
Running Time: 9 minutes
Edited Transcript of Keynote Address from U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
Letter from Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Achievement Gaps Presentation by NCES Associate Commissioner Peggy Carr
Achievement Gaps Presentation by ETS Senior Vice President Michael Nettles
20th Anniversary Conference Program
Conference Papers
Twelfth-Graders and All Their Futures
Paul E. Barton
Former Director, Policy Information Center at Educational Testing Service
Issues Regarding NAEP and Students with Disabilities
By Miriam K. Freedman
Attorney and author
12th Grade Preparedness: National and Colorado Perspectives
By Christine Johnson
Assistant to the Provost, University of Colorado, Denver
Notes on State NAEP
By Mark Musick
Former Chairman, National Assessment Governing Board and President Emeritus, Southern Regional Education Board
Grade 12 Preparedness
By John Stevens
Former Executive Director, Texas Business and Education Coalition
Grade 12 NAEP: Measuring Preparedness for College and Work
By George Thornton
Professor, Colorado State University
Back to the Future for NAEP: NAEP and Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners
By Martha Thurlow
Director, National Center on Educational Outcomes
Historical Papers
A History of NAEP Achievement Levels: Issues, Implementation, and Impact, 1989-2009
By Mary Lyn Bourque
Former assistant director for psychometrics, Governing Board
National Assessment Governing Board and Voluntary National Tests:
A Tale of Tribulations Without Trials
Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C
By Michael Guerra
Former Governing Board member
NAEP Assessment Frameworks
By Carol Jago
Teacher and author; member, NAEP reading and writing framework committees.
Looking Back and Looking Forward: Inclusion of All Students in the National Assessment of Educational Progress
By Rebecca Kopriva
Senior Scientist, Wisconsin Center for Educational Research (WCER) University of Wisconsin - Madison with Julia Lara, Independent Consultant
To Be a Governing Board Member
By Diane Ravitch
Former Governing Board member and education historian
The NAEP Long Term Trend Assessment: A Review of Its Transformation, Use, and Findings
By Lawrence C. Stedman
Professor of education, State University of New York at Binghamton
Changes in NAEP Reporting - Publications, Technology, and Media Coverage
By John Stevens
Former chairman, Governing Board Reporting and Dissemination Committee
House Resolution 222
The U.S. House of Representatives officially recognized the Governing Board's 20 years of service in measuring student achievement by passing a resolution on March 9, 2009. Read House Resolution 222, introduced by U.S. Representative Michael Castle of Delaware, and read the accompanying congratulatory floor statements from Rep. Castle, and U.S. Representatives Lynn Woolsey and Brett Guthrie.
Conference Proceedings
Governing Board 20th Anniversary
Read the Governing Board report on the proceedings of our conference.