2011 Sacramento
The Nation's Report Card and 12th Grade Academic Preparedness: Regional Symposium
June 20, 2011
Sacramento, CA
The NAEP 12th Grade Preparedness Commission hosted a symposium in Sacramento, California, bringing together regional leaders in K-12 and higher education, business, civil rights, and legislative policy to discuss the NAEP research on 12th grade academic preparedness and the feasibility of The Nation's Report Card serving as an indicator for preparedness.
A panel of noted local experts addressed the implications of 12th grade academic preparedness for California's economy and jobs and the potential relevance of NAEP as an indicator of preparedness for California and the nation.
The Commission shared the latest NAEP research as background, and to solicit ideas for additional research and suggestions for partnering opportunities.
Particular areas of interest that emerged from panelists' and attendees' contributions at the symposium were:
- The relationship of 12th grade NAEP to California's Early Assessment Program.
- Career and technical education.
- Potential for California to participate in 12th grade state NAEP in 2013
NAEP—the National Assessment of Educational Progress—is also known as The Nation's Report Card. Congressionally authorized and funded since 1969, NAEP reports to the public on the status and progress of student achievement in core subjects at grades 4, 8, and 12. The National Assessment Governing Board that oversees NAEP is conducting a comprehensive program of research to transform it into an indicator of 12th grade academic preparedness for college and job training.
The Governing Board's research program, now in its first phase, involves more than 30 planned studies. The purpose of the research is to identify the reading and mathematics skills and knowledge, as measured by NAEP, needed to qualify for first-year college courses or job training, without remediation.
Research results so far are promising. A report on the first phase of the research program is expected in early 2012.
An overview of the research program can be found here (PDF).
Summaries of completed research studies can be found here (PDF).