Through columns and opinion pieces, Governing Board members and alumni have provided timely and valuable insight on NAEP results and implications for our nation’s students and education as a whole. Explore commentaries below.
- By acting on what students tell us, we can improve math instruction, EdNC. Lisa Ashe
- Perspective: For students to believe they can do hard things, we have to model it, EdNC. Nardi Routten
- Tired of Pushing Science To The Side? Give It A Boost In The Classroom, Education Post. Michael Pope
- OPINION: Community colleges have a lot of work to do helping students overcome learning gaps post pandemic, Hechinger Report. Michelle Cantú-Wilson
- Former governor: NC must act quickly or students will face lower lifetime earnings, Charlotte Observer and Raleigh News & Observer. Chair Bev Perdue
- A miracle? Nope. Hard work and sound policies yield more high marks for Mississippi schools, Clarion Ledger. Darein Spann
- Alabama’s academic recovery earns national attention and how to sustain it, AL.com. Dilhani Uswatte
- Math scores took a dive in NC, but there’s a way to climb out of this crisis, Charlotte Observer and Raleigh News & Observer. Lisa Ashe
- Education Can Unite Us; That’s Needed Now More Than Ever, The Hill. Alice Peisch and Haley Barbour
- Parent Voices Are Needed More than Ever to Inform and Improve Public Education in America, National PTA Blog. Anna King
- Using Stronger Connections With Students to Boost Learning in Math, Edutopia. Mark Miller
- Integrating Social Studies in the Early Grades, Edutopia. Nardi Routten
- More Disturbing NAEP Findings: Teens Don’t Read for Fun and Are Often Absent, The 74. Patrick Kelly
- Pandemic learning loss: Why is it so hard to get kids caught up? Boston Globe. Martin West
- Opinion: Our kids don’t know much about history and that hurts America, Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Bev Perdue and Haley Barbour
- Nation's Report Card shows kids don't know US history. As a teacher, I'm not surprised, USA Today. Patrick Kelly
- U.S. civics and history sink to new lows in Nation’s Report Card, Boston Globe, Martin West
- How To Fix the Shockingly Low NAEP History and Civic Scores, Education Week. Susan Pimentel
- More of the same won’t solve the problem with math scores, Kappan. Christine Cunnigham
- Principal’s View: How Alabama Is Leading the Way in Solving the Math Crisis, The 74. Dilhani Uswatte
- Want to Take Learning Recovery Seriously? Support and Train Teachers’, Education Week. Nardi Routten
- Teacher Voice: Educators need more resources, skills, and partnerships to bring the world into their classrooms, Hechinger Report. Michael Pope
- L.A. Schools Chief Alberto Carvalho — Our Kids Did Well on the Nation’s Report Card. Why Is That Hard to Believe?, The 74. Alberto Carvalho
- How can we address the bleak report card for America’s children, Chicago Tribune. Carol Jago
- To help SC students, education reports must not be cherry picked for certain agenda, The State. Patrick Kelly
- Former Governors: NAEP Issued a Report Card we Can't Afford to Ignore, Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Bev Perdue and Haley Barbour