Governing Board Seeks Candidates for Executive Director Position
National Assessment Governing Board
Seeks to Fill Executive Director Position
Application Deadline is February 19, 2015
WASHINGTON – (January 29, 2015) — The National Assessment Governing Board, which sets policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)—otherwise known as The Nation’s Report Card—is seeking to fill the position of executive director.
The Governing Board, established by the U.S. Congress within the U.S. Department of Education, is seeking an executive director who will be responsible for the execution of policies and projects approved by the Board. The qualified candidate would also serve as chief-of-staff for the Board, supervise the Board staff, and ensure that the Board establishes policies and goals that guide the operations of NAEP, a large-scale assessment program that measures student achievement across the nation, all states and 21 large urban districts.
The executive director position is currently held by Cornelia Orr, who will retire effective March 31. The 26-member independent and bipartisan Board is comprised of state, local, and federal officials, educators, business representatives, and members of the public.
Download the full job announcement for more details, including qualifications and application requirements. Applications for the position close on February 19, 2015.
Stephaan Harris
- Phone
- (202) 357-7504
- Stephaan.Harris@Ed.Gov