Provide Feedback and Read Panelist Papers and Presentations from the NAEP Long Term Trend Symposium
Symposium on Options for the Future of the NAEP Long-Term Trend Assessment
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Hilton Alexandria Old Town
On Thursday, March 2, the National Assessment Governing Board, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and guest experts discussed options for how best to proceed with the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Long-Term Trend (LTT) assessment.
Background Information
The NAEP LTT assessment has been administered since the early 1970s, establishing a continuous national indicator of student achievement in reading and mathematics. Since the early 1990s, the LTT assessment has been augmented with a newer version of NAEP, commonly referred to as main NAEP.
Main NAEP is transitioning to a digitally based assessment. Given this and other issues, the Governing Board, in partnership with NCES, is gathering recommendations on how best to proceed with NAEP’s LTT assessment and its relationship to main NAEP.
To inform any decision-making, the Governing Board has solicited five papers that identify issues to be addressed for the LTT assessment and consider its relationship to main NAEP. This symposium provides experts in the fields of assessment and education policy an opportunity to share their recommendations and to engage with Governing Board members and audience participants on how best to proceed.
To facilitate the discussion, Dr. Edward Haertel, the Jacks Family Professor of Education, Emeritus, at Stanford University, prepared a white paper on the history of the NAEP LTT assessment that includes a trenchant consideration of current issues. Speakers will discuss their responses to his paper.
Event Materials
- White paper: Future of NAEP Long-Term Trend Assessments by Edward Haertel
- Response Paper: Why Continue An Old Assessment? by Jack Jennings
- Response Paper: Is It Time to Retire Long-Term Trend? by Lou Fabrizio
- Response Paper: Content of LTT Compared to Main NAEP by Ina V.S. Mullis
- Response Paper: Rescue Plan for NAEP LTT Assessments by Andy Kolstad
- Panelist Presentations
Meet Confirmed Speakers and Panelists
Considering the Future of the NAEP Long-Term Trend Assessment Program
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting
Saturday, April 29, 10:35 a.m. to 12:05 p.m.
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Ballroom Level, 304 A&B
At AERA's annual meeting in San Antonio, a panel of renowned experts, including staff from the National Assessment Governing Board and the National Center for Education Statistics, will debate the relative merits of the NAEP Long-Term Trend (LTT) program, and explore ways of consolidating or combining LTT and the main NAEP program.