Honorable John Engler, Chair
Former Governor of Michigan
McLean, Virginia
Tonya Matthews, Vice Chair
Museum and Education Expert
Detroit, Michigan
Dana K. Boyd
East Point Elementary School
El Paso, Texas
Alberto M. Carvalho
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Miami, Florida
Gregory J. Cizek
Guy B. Phillips
Distinguished Professor of Educational Measurement and Evaluation
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Tyler W. Cramer
CEO and Executive Manager
Remarc Associates LLC
San Diego, California
Frank K. Fernandes
Kaimuki Middle School
Honolulu, Hawaii
Rebecca Gagnon
Minneapolis Board of Education
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Honorable Jeanette M. Nuñez
State Legislator
Florida House of Representatives
Miami, Florida
Joseph M. O'Keefe, S.J.
Visiting Professor and Fellow
Fordham University Graduate School of Education
New York, New York
Honorable Alice H. Peisch
State Legislator
Massachusetts House of Representatives Wellesley, Massachusetts
Honorable Beverly Perdue
Former Governor of North Carolina
New Bern, North Carolina
B. Fielding Rolston
Immediate Past Chairman
Tennessee State Board of Education Kingsport, Tennessee
Linda P. Rosen
Former Chief Executive Officer
Change the Equation
Washington, D.C.
Shannon Garrison
Fourth-Grade Teacher
Solano Avenue Elementary School
Los Angeles, California
Honorable James E. Geringer
Former Governor of Wyoming
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Andrew Dean Ho
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Carol Jago
Associate Director
California Reading & Literature Project at UCLA
Oak Park, Illinois
Terry Mazany
Former President and CEO
Chicago Community Trust
Chicago, Illinois
Dale Nowlin
Teacher and Mathematics
Department Chair
Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation
Columbus, Indiana
Cary Sneider
Associate Research Professor
Portland State University
Portland, Oregon
Honorable Ken Wagner
Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education
Rhode Island Department of Education
Providence, Rhode Island
Chasidy White
Director of Strategic Initiatives
Office of the Superintendent
Montgomery, Alabama
Joseph L. Willhoft
Former Executive Director
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Tacoma, Washington
Ex-officio Member
Mark Schneider
Institute of Education Sciences
U.S. Department of Education
Washington, D.C.