Trends in Mathematics Performance on the 2022 Nation's Report Card

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Students nationally experienced across-the-board score declines on the 2022 NAEP assessments in math and reading compared to 2019, the last time the assessments were given. The steepest declines were in math, a subject at the center of national conversations around how to help students rebound from the pandemic and accelerate their learning.
Members of the National Assessment Governing Board believe it is important to use data to guide decisions related to helping improve student achievement. Notable data points related to the 2022 NAEP Mathematics Assessments include:
- The 2022 Nation’s Report Card showed the largest score declines in mathematics since students first took the assessment in 1990.
- No state or jurisdiction saw improvements in math scores between 2019 and 2022.
- The score declines in mathematics were particularly large in eighth grade.
- Thirty-eight percent of eighth graders performed below the NAEP Basic level on the math assessment.
- In fourth grade, the 2022 NAEP score declines in mathematics were the largest declines ever recorded for Black and Hispanic students.
- The math declines in both grades were across all content areas. These include: number properties and operations; measurement; geometry; algebra; and data analysis, statistics, and probability.
“The eighth graders who took NAEP last spring are in high school today. We must invest in education so resources and supports are in place to accelerate student learning and close gaps that predated — but were exacerbated by — the pandemic. Otherwise, students will graduate and enter college and the workforce without the skills and knowledge we need to be globally competitive,” said Beverly Perdue, former governor of North Carolina and chair of the National Assessment Governing Board, which sets the policies and achievement levels for the Nation’s Report Card.
What’s Next?
Current and former Governing Board member educators weigh in on how to accelerate math learning.
Related Reading
- Principal’s View: How Alabama Is Leading the Way in Solving the Math Crisis, The 74.
- Former Governors: NAEP Issued a Report Card we Can't Afford to Ignore, Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
- Pandemic Learning Loss Could Cost Students $70,000 in Lifetime Earnings, Wall Street Journal.
- Khan Academy Founder Sal Khan on Covid’s Staggering Math Toll, The 74.
- Nation’s Report Card Presentation to the South Carolina Legislature
To learn more about NAEP trends, read Understanding Pre-Pandemic NAEP Trends: Setting the Stage for NAEP 2022.